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I feel urged to write this post today.  I have such a beautiful story that I want to share with you.

My husband called me today and said, “Do you want to hear something really amazing?”

Of course I’m like, “Yes!”

So he tells about a random act of kindness that touched my heart in a BIG way.

Here’s the story…

There is a man who every morning sees a homeless women outside this convenience store that he goes to everyday on his way to work.  Everyday that he sees her, he gives her a Lottery scratch ticket.

So far, she has had no luck.

Then today the women scratched off her ticket and she WON $30,000!


To make this story even better, the lady approached the man who gave her the ticket and she told him what had happened.

She asked the man, “Don’t you want at least half of this?”

The man said, “No.  God has been telling me to do this for you.  You keep all of the money!”

OMG I love this story.  Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard it and I just had to share it.  How sweet was that man to do this for that lady?  That is kindness at it’s fullest.

Do you have a great inspirational story?  Tell me below.  I’d love to hear about it.