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Hey there, I'm ROSEANNE


When someone asks me what I do, I tell them:


I coach women to help them achieve their life and business goals.”






“I show gals that they have the MAGIC WAND…

That they can create their own FAIRY TALES.”


 WHAT I  Really, Really WISH I COULD SAY IS…



“I’m kinda obsessed with helping women get clear on their ultimate vision for their lives, who they are, what they truly want, and why.  I help guide them to take action on goals that add glitter to their lives.

Check out my books and journals on Amazon here>>


‘Cause they are capable of amazing things and I want them to realize that.  


I help inspire women through my goal workbook and planner Glamify Your Goal, videos + blog posts, Pinterest pins, and my ultimate freebie guides.

Check out my books and journals on Amazon here>>

Annnnd the more PASSION and FUN I pour into my ‘work’ the more I enjoy it!

I seriously looovewhat I do!”  



… or just looking for somethin’ else to pass the time. 

Ok, here are some random facts about me…

1. I didn’t plan on being an entrepreneur at all.  Nope, I wanted to be a crime scene investigator of all things!!  And I mean a TOTALLY “CSI style” investigator.  ?

2. Wasn’t till I was 25 that I started drinking coffee and now it’s my guilty pleasure (thanks Starbucks) LOL!!

3. On weekends you can catch me binge watching Melrose Place (the original of course…) and Desperate Housewives.  Can’t get enough of these shows.

4. I don’t ever watch the news.  Eek.

5. My mom and I graduated college together at the same time.

6. My ‘jams’ in the car mostly consist of inspirational stuff like Tony Robbins and biz podcasts. 




The Awkward AKA-Write-About-Yourself-in-Third-Person Version!

Roseanne Baker is a certified life coach, author, and the creator of Cosmic Babe Company™.  She’s a proud wife and mama to an adorable 13-year old boy.  A college graduate in Administration of Justice, who loves learning about seld-development and mindset, metaphysical teachings, especially law of attraction, and working with chakras and crystals. 

When she’s not writing about herself in third person (?), you can catch her taking action on her business, reading spiritual self-help books, and hangin’ out with her husband and football-fanatic son. Check out the Cosmic Babe Shop where you’ll find fun graphic tees and accessories Roseanne personally designed.  (You’ll be sooo glad you did!)